Why an About Us page is important for online stores
An About Us page is the one page that often gets neglected and left to the last minute. It is the one page that many people are not sure what to put on. Some may even feel that an About Us page is unnecessary. However, an About Us page can tell your customers a lot about your company. It may even persuade the customer to shop at your online store just from learning about your company’s history and feeling connected to your company.
An About Us page should be one of the first support pages you create for your website. This is where you can tell your customers about the history of your business, talk about what your company stands for and what your company’s culture is all about and to (humbly) brag about your achievements. It is , essentially, a way for your customers to get a feel for your business without having to physically walk into a store. In an About Us page you get to share your company’s unique identity with the world. And it is a way for you to connect with your customers and make them feel validated in choosing to buy from your store.
Here are some of the effective points to remember when creating your About Us page:
1) Communicate the story of your business and why you started it
This is the history of your company, where you started from and why you do what you do. It is in this section that a lot of success stories are told. Remember how Apple was started in the garage of Steve Jobs’ parents’ house? Or how our very own Yuppiechef was started in a lounge in Plumstead? These are all stories we love to hear and be inspired by.
2) Describe who your business serves
One of the first things that will set the tone of your About Us page is to determine who would be visiting your page. Therefore the type of online store you have, the size of your company, and the nature of the work you do all determine who would be visiting your website. For an online store, the purpose of your About Us page is to showcase your company and it’s values. This needs to be done in such an effective way that potential customers trust your company and it’s products without having to see either.
3) Explain the ethics and values of your company
What are your values as a company? This needs to be clear on your About Us page. The ultimate value in an About Us page is that it should be a selling page to convince your client to choose you. This can be done through not only your products, but to also appeal to your customer when it comes to their ethics and moral standing. Customers these days are making the conscious choice to align their choices of where to spend their money with their values and morals.
4) Feature the founders/partners/employees of your business and put a face to your company
As people we tend to put more trust in humans. Therefore if your About Us page has a strong human element then it will be incredibly effective in convincing customers to shop at your store. We like to know about your company. As consumers we like to know who you are and what you’re about – to feel a connection.
5) Incorporate useful content such as links to blogs or introductory videos
This is any information that might not be useful to your Home page, but you feel your clients would like to know/would be helpful to them. The content used here might be a video showcasing how your company began or links to your social media pages. Any extra information that gives your customer further insight into your company, and allow you to build that connection.
We all find a link in stories, it is how we tell people about who we are and our experiences. That is what your About Us page is, essentially. It is your story to tell the world. By telling that story you are able to have a stronger connection with your client base. Your About Us page allows you to do that. In following the above points you will see why it is so crucial to your online store.
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