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What copywriting mistakes are causing you to lose sales

Online Stores
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9. What copywriting mistakes are causing you to lose sales
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You’ve probably been down this road if you have an ecommerce site. You spend countless hours checking for any copywriting mistakes and changing what you need to. You then check again to see if your products look good and your descriptions are correct and easy to read.

However there’s always that little voice in the back of your head making you doubt and wonder if all your hard work is turning visitors into buyers.

There are certain things you end up missing and one of them is more than likely your copywriting mistakes. Here we are going to cover some tips to help you improve and prevent more copywriting mistakes by outlining the most common ones.

1. Lost meaning

Time and time again you scroll through your competitors’ pages looking to see what they have that you don’t or what’s better on their site. You start coming across emotive words such “world-class”, “distinguished” and “choice”. You then start to think “these word choices are working for them, why don’t I use them?” so you begin to use the same words on your site.

Don’t! This is one of the more common copywriting mistakes. Powerful, emotive words like those have become so overused that they have now lost the impact they used to have. However you can rather focus on facts, figures and statistics which increases your reader’s interest. When using figures or statistics, stick to using numerical values instead of words as it will prevent your readers eyes from wandering.

2. Watch those adjectives

One fairly common copywriting mistake is the use of too many adjectives. Adjectives can be great when it comes to describing a product, but when you use too many your description just starts to become meaningless babble. It is best to avoid overuse of adjectives and rather allow your images to best describe your product.

The other big problem with the use of too many adjectives is that it slows down your reader and ends up muddling them up and causing confusion. This ends up causing your customers to lose interest due to the over complication in your descriptions. This copywriting mistake is easily fixed by keeping things simple.

3. Stay connected

Your customers are one of your biggest priorities which is why you need to be in tune with what their needs and wants are. If your customers are confused by your copy they could end up turning to another source. But how do you step into your customers’ minds to understand what it is that they need. Thankfully it’s not as complicated as you may think, the resources are all available for you if you go looking.

If you’re selling a commonly sold/used product then hunting for some of those reviews could be your best friend. What could be better than adding what people have said first hand about the product?! If that doesn’t work for you, YouTube is another good resource for you to use. Simply search for videos related to the topic/product.

4. Stick to the facts

You’ve probably heard that saying countless times. While facts can be great they can easily become an annoying copywriting mistake. The problem with factual information is that our brains don’t always process it very well. Why not try stories instead?

This doesn’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) an essay, as it does end up losing the reader’s interest. A short story will encourage engagement with your readers as they are more meaningful than boring to the point facts. There are many ways of creating a meaningful story around your product to help you ensure sales.

Journalistic tactics can be your best friend. Journalists have to dig deep and do lots of research to ensure their stories are as precise and accurate as possible. Use this tactic for your stories. Do the research. Ask your suppliers. But most importantly ask your customers, they are the ones that will benefit most from your product and could end up having the best stories to tell.
Keep it short – your story should be straight to the point. It shouldn’t change topics and go in circles.

5. Promises are important

We live in a world where trust is a difficult thing to come by, that’s why keeping your promises is so important. Without realising it this may be one of your copywriting mistakes.

If you have the intention of delivering on your promise but your customers don’t believe it they could end up walking away. It may sound “too good to be true”. For instance, if you are promising same day delivery then you either need be 100% sure that you are able to ‘deliver’ on this promise. If you are unsure of this at any point then you need to be more realistic about your delivery timelines. No one likes a late delivery. Customers are far more excited when their items arrive earlier than expected.

6. Add a dash of personality

While it is important to write copy that honestly describes your product and it’s features don’t forget that this product needs to sell itself if you want to bring income to your business. Selling requires adding some personality, some flair.

Imagine finding a really good looking person on tinder only to find they have zero personality when you find out more about them. What a disappointment. The same applies to your products, a fantastic profile photo with a dull and boring write up won’t close the deal.

This doesn’t mean go and empty out the entire personality jar on your products, just a dash will do. Remember to keep it honest while at the same time making it irresistible.

Giving your products, and ultimately your entire store, personality through the copy you create allows your products to sell themselves.

Copywriting mistakes are very important to keep in mind and thus you need to know what to look out for. Hopefully these tips will help you out in making sure you’re not making the same ones as everyone else.

If this has also interested you then check out our sources for further information and to see what else you could learn!

Read the business2community article here

Read the shopify article here


Yes! I have an idea and I need your innovation to turn it into an online store invention!

Michael Barrington

Guest Author

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