Marketing strategy: Start a blog on your online store
Blogs have become increasingly popular in recent years. Many companies have begun to realise that a blog can really assist as a marketing strategy for their company. A blog connected to your online store can be a new, innovative way to showcase your products to your clients, as well as explain how these products can be used in every day life. It’s also an incredibly effective way of attracting potential clients who are looking for particular products.
However, a blog for an online store shouldn’t merely be a ‘piece’ for readers to know your opinion on certain products/topics. They should be carefully structured as a marketing strategy to attract potential sales. They need to be a window into your world – your company’s culture, who you are as a business, and what products you sell. For some great examples of blogs from online stores have a look at this article.
Here are a few ways that a blog is useful as a marketing strategy:
Blogs can boost your website traffic
Most business blogs are separate to the company’s website. Therefore having your blog in a different ‘space’ will allow for you to have a new channel of reaching potential customers. By putting links to your website/specific products of yours in your blog the transition from blog reader to customer will be seamless and easy.
Blogs are updated frequently with current content
Having a frequent posting schedule means that updates are done more frequently to your blog than to your actual online store. Because of this, there is a lot more new and current information reaching your customers/potential clients via your blog posts. It is useful to have a blog post schedule where you post at least once a week. That way you can strategically plan your posts to ensure they match your company’s current environment. For example for the launch of a new product you sell perhaps have a blog post teaser as a lead up to the launch. Keep your readers informed and up-to-date with what’s going on at your company without making them feel like they’re reading a sales pitch.
Blogs allow for reader (and potential customer) engagement
Blogs allow for opinions, feedback and a good rapport with readers and customers alike. If done properly, this engagement can have a positive impact on your company and it’s reputation. Blogs can allow for relationships to be built and connections to be formed.
Strategic placement of products can increase sales
Use your blogs to showcase your products. But be careful to do this in a strategically curated manner. Readers do not appreciate feeling as though they’re reading a sales pitch instead of an informative blog. Additionally, the content of your blogs will become obsolete if a reader feels this way. Tread the line of useful blog post and sales pitch lightly. If done properly, helpful blogs with useful content can easily convert to sales.
If you would like to successfully use blogs as a marketing strategy then your blogs need to be well thought-out and researched, well written and reliable. To ensure that your blogs are reaching your target audience it is worth considering handing this content writing over to a digital marketing agency. Feel free to contact us via the link below.
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