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first blog post

Writing that first blog post for your business

So there you are with a brand new blog, all set up and ready to get your message out to the world. But what do you write? Where do you begin with writing that first blog post?

Start here with your first blog post:

Your audience

The first place to start is to think about your audience. Who is it that you are targeting? What do they normally read or look for in your market? Are they looking for answers to problems? Do they seek information or guidance?

Your tone

You also have to think about the tone and how you want your voice to sound, as this is your chance to brand your company to your market. You want your message to get across, not in a robotic manner, but with passion and humour. Think about the brand’s tone as well.

Your focus

Your focus is on getting more customers, so it pays to look at what your competitors do, especially the successful ones. Get a feel for your audience this way and see what articles get the most interaction. This interaction is important, as it builds up a connection with your market and it creates followers. You can often do this by asking questions to gain a connection with the reader. Social media buttons allow your content to be shared, and this, in turn, drives more traffic back to the website. Your content should be branding your company, whilst allowing others to know about your services, leading to even more customers.

People never come to a website to be marketed to, so any promotions you do want to include should be done in a certain way. Highlight a problem and allow the blog post to slowly point to a solution, which of course could link to a product. Always think about why you might visit this site yourself, and write information that you would like to read, too.

The main thing is not to overthink the task, as this leads to procrastination and can give you a form of writer’s block. You will find that opening an MS Word document and just typing in ideas will lead to a better flow. The main focus of the blog of any content marketing site is to establish a firm brand and attract more customers, so when writing content, this should be your main priority.

Looking for a digital solution?

Seagyn Davis

Guest Author

Comments (1)

  1. Marvelous, what a blog iit is! This blog presents valuable information too us, keep it

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