Strategic team talks are important at half-time
Imagine for a moment that your company is a rugby team. After all, things can sometimes get a little intense on the business field. If we run with this metaphor then all companies should be having strategic team talks at half-time. The half-time team talk is important for the continued success of the company because it can renew each team member’s enthusiasm. If done correctly, it will motivate the team to rally around the goal again. What’s the goal? To win, of course. Here are some questions to ask and discuss in a strategic team talk to make sure you stay, or get back on, the winning path.
Strategic team talks: questions to ask
What’s the score?
The first thing that needs to be established in strategic team talks is reality. How is the company currently performing? Is the company winning or losing? It’s important to assess where the company is, as this will determine the strategic focus going forward. Yes, everyone is busy and there is lots of work to be done, but stop. Look around and figure out what direction you’re going in because you could be running towards the opponent’s try line.
What is going wrong and what is going right?
At half-time, the captain has the hard task of addressing that which the team is doing wrong or could be improved upon. It might be uncomfortable, but it is necessary for growth and advancement. There is no need to finger-point or cast blame. Simply shed some light on a few things that the team needs to work on. Small adjustments in operations and minor shifts in focus can really change the course of the company in the next half of the business year.
If a team talk is all doom and gloom, it won’t motivate anyone. If it has been a great half for the company then acknowledge and celebrate it. Recognising achievement in teams and individuals is inspiring and encouraging, so do it as much as possible. Highlight completed projects, new clients acquired, advanced technology adopted, targets achieved, excellence delivered and alliances established.
Strike the balance between focussing on what is going wrong and what is going right, so that the team run back onto the field motivated to correct what is going wrong and continue what is going right. If you can find the time to have one-on-one talks with team members that would be great. If each team member focusses on what they need to then the company will work better together.
What is the focus going to be in the second half?
Before you get back out there, it’s fundamental to make sure everyone is on the same page in terms of what to focus on. It’s about establishing what still needs to be achieved and how the team is going to achieve it in the second half. Be expectant and positive. Remind everyone about their priorities and huddle around the team vision together. Make sure everyone walks away feeling inspired and motivated to give it their all.
So, what’s your strategy and how are you going to get your team motivated to buy into it?
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