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strategic digital marketing

Strategic digital marketing: steps to success

In today’s generation, people have grown up embracing the world of digital consumption. It is the future of marketing and has proved more effective than traditional methods. Digital marketing methods are faster, practical, streamlined and versatile. The great thing is that it offers as much potential to marketers as it does to consumers. To stay ahead of the growing number of competitors and engage with all the potential customers, a strategic digital marketing plan needs to be implemented. Here are some strategic digital marketing steps that can be implemented to ensure business growth.

Steps to success in strategic digital marketing

1. Set a strategic digital marketing goal

If you want your customer base to grow, to get ahead of the competition or for the company to grow then you need a goal. Setting a goal reminds you of what to focus on, which is more likely to lead to success than if you don’t have any direction.

2. Create a strategic digital marketing funnel

A digital marketing funnel is when you map a customer’s journey from when he or she is a complete stranger to when they become a lead, and then put certain strategies in place that will encourage them to move through this funnel. A digital marketing funnel can also be thought of as four parts: awareness, interest, desire and action (AIDA).

  • Awareness: A customer has come to your website for a reason (perhaps from online advertising you have done) and is looking for something they want or need. Put certain strategies in place to attract and encourage them to follow this funnel.
  • Interest: Now that you’ve got them in the funnel, you need to gather more information about them. Provide further information that is more tailored to their needs and interests them. This will show that you’re attentive to and care about your customer’s needs and wants.
  • Desire: this is the time to tell them more about your products or services and why they want them in order to create a desire in them for the products or services you are offering.
  • Action: all that’s left is going over pricing, payment and other aspects relevant to the buyer.
    Having an effective and successful marketing funnel will not only help with leads, but will also turn leads into repeat buyers.

3. Develop a strategic call-to-action

This is an image or text that prompts visitors to take action, such as signing up to attend webinars, subscribing to newsletters and viewing product demos. The call-to-action should grab attention and lead customers further into the marketing funnel. In a nutshell, the results of an effective call-to-action will be more leads and conversions.

4. Create a strategic lead magnet

An effective lead magnet is about supplying the customer with information relevant to their wants or needs. This is where content marketing is key. Giving customers what they are looking for will result in them potentially spending money on the products or services you are offering.

5. Drive traffic strategically

Having traffic on your website will make it easier to drive people into your marketing funnel. Here are a few ways to increase traffic to your website:

  • Quality content
  • Keyword strategy
  • Website optimisation
  • Social media

However, if you have tons of website visitors, but none of them ever convert, your business will also cease to exist. Digital marketing is the art of making use of proven strategies and techniques that attract not just more traffic, but more targeted traffic which delivers results. Targeting the right kind of people, which delivers the right kind of results, is what digital marketing is all about. Want to chat about setting up a digital marketing strategy for your business? Call us.

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