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business discovered online

4 Ways to get your business discovered online

The brick and mortar approach definitely has its place, but to stay competitive in an already competitive market, your business needs a bolstered online approach. In order to stay relevant, you need to embrace change and technology. Here are four great tips that will do wonders for your online presence and help you get your business discovered online.

Get your business discovered online by…

1. Starting a blog

A good place to begin would be to start a blog on your website. Leveraging a well-maintained blog is going to help tremendously in terms of drawing attention to your company’s online presence. Make a concerted effort to house (on your blog) well-crafted and soundly articulated, relevant content. It will help you to own certain spaces and also align your brand/you as a thought leader. Consistent, good content will also help you make your way up the search engine ranks, which helps to get your business discovered online.

2. Creating social media profiles

Regardless of whether or not you target a B2B or B2C audience, you definitely need an active presence on social media channels. Do your homework to understand what channel will best serve your brand. Remember – consumer attributes will differ from market to market, hence you need to wisely choose your social media channels. Social media is a sure-fire way to drive traffic to your website.

3. Using SEM and SEO

Another great way to get your business discovered online is Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). They are fantastic ways to target your audience and get found first. By utilising keywords and key search terms, you dramatically bump up your chances of being discovered first. These paid online marketing efforts have forever changed the playing fields of digital marketing as it is highly measurable.

4. Starting an email newsletter

An email newsletter is another excellent method of driving traffic to your website and will help immensely to get your business discovered online. The fact that the contacts on your list have the ability to unsubscribe at any times gives you the ability to interact with an audience that more than likely has a vested interest in what your business has to say or offer.

Looking for a digital solution?

Seagyn Davis

Guest Author

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