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Will a one page website really generate more leads for your business

There is a growing trend in the website design industry to have all of a business’s content on one page – the industry commonly calls it a “One-Pager”. The question is, does it really generate more leads for your business?

When it comes user experience (UX) on your website, it’s generally is a good idea to have the user click to new pages as little as possible but, generally, this matters most on eCommerce websites (Kissmetrics provide some great stats for increasing eCommerce conversions) and this is when the visitor has already made a decision to purchase.

So does your business need a website that is crammed onto one page? Cloudsmiths have opted for the route of a “one-pager” which is presented nicely and has a cool feature of the paging “sliding” when you click a menu option. The only restrictions come when you want to present more great content to help the visitor (and potential customer) make an informed decision.

Gleanster Research states that only 25% of the people that contact you are not opportunities at all and a further 30 – 50% are not ready to buy. This only leaves around 25% of your leads that present quality, ready-to-buy, opportunities – a “one-pager” works great for those leads but it also means that you might be wasting your time chasing the other 75%.

You’re probably wondering how all this data affects you needing a one-page website or not. As mentioned earlier, one-page websites really restrict your ability to present more content to your visitors. We also now know that you want to spend your time speaking to the 25% of people who present great opportunities and then let your website filter out and nurture the remaining 75% of visitors. The way you do this is to create quality content that can be used to show people what you do and educate people on how your services can make a difference in their lives.

This means creating consistent content (blog posts, landing pages, content pages etc.) that visitors can browse at their own time and not feel like they are in a constant sales pitch. It also gives you the ability to send a page, content offer or blog post to that prospect that isn’t so ready to buy.

As you can see, having multiple pages allows qualified visitors to come in through different channels, educate themselves on your services and ultimately become a qualified lead. If that’s not a good enough reason, stats show that businesses with 400+ pages generate 6x more leads than businesses with 50-400. So chances are that a website with only one page will most likely not generate more leads for your business.

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Seagyn Davis

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