What’s your SEO keyword strategy?
We’ve found that the hardest thing to get from clients who want to launch a new website is content. Website copy, in particular, is often not given enough attention in order to ensure the website is a success. What will make a website successful? We firmly believe that quality copy that is optimised for search engines, so that it effectively responds to relevant search keywords, is of paramount importance. Creating a successful website should start and continue with a solid SEO keyword strategy. What’s your strategy? If you don’t yet have one then let’s get you started.
Kicking off with your SEO keyword strategy
So where do you start? First, make sure you have a brand strategy. A brand strategy will give you a good idea of what your brand is all about, what it offers and who the market is. This will help you define the most important things about your brand, and guide you in building a website that focusses on those things.
What is a keyword (or keyphrase)?
Essentially, each page on your website should have one primary keyword. What is a keyword? It is a specific word or phrase (which is why it’s often called a keyphrase) that is the main thought or idea of that page. And it should be a word or phrase that your market is typing into a search engine to find something similar to what your brand offers. For example, if your brand offers digital marketing services, one of which is search engine optimisation (SEO), then you should have a page dedicated to SEO with the keyword SEO. An example of a keyphrase would be “SEO tips” or “improving SEO”. Keyphrases are often better as they are more specific and therefore better targeted at the audience you are looking to reach.
You’ll find it a fairly straightforward process to come up with keywords for your web pages. But you’ll soon realise that there are a lot more keywords that relate to your brand. And, once you start playing around with Google Analytics and Google Ads, you’ll probably also realise that your main keywords are quite generic and in high demand. It’s time to delve into some keyword research.
Keyword research
Think of it like a mind map with your brand in the middle. Now, you need to start branching off (in many different directions) with keywords that relate to your brand’s core – that’s why it’s so important to ensure you have a good understanding of your brand strategy first.
There’s a good chance that you could just keep going with your mindmap. But, when you feel like you’ve covered the most important terms, it’s time to start doing some research on these keywords. This research includes checking what comes up when you type the keyword into a search engine and looking at the related search terms; using SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner to come up with additional keyword ideas and viewing keyword stats on tools like Google Trends.
What to do with a list of keywords?
Now that you have a list of researched keywords, you need to get them onto your website. And no, we definitely do not mean that you cram as many in as possible onto existing pages. We believe in constantly adding fresh content to websites – quality content that is relevant to what users are searching for.
We suggest that all websites have a blog. It doesn’t have to be called “Blog”. It can be called “News”, “Insights”, “Thoughts” or whatever works for your brand. Each article then addresses one of the many keywords you have listed. The strategic part is choosing to focus on particular keywords at specific times based on your brand’s unique objectives.
I don’t have time to write
Creating content isn’t easy. When you start writing and getting together the content needed for your website and blog, you quickly realise that it takes time to get it right. This is why we suggest focussing on that which you are passionate about writing about (as long as it relates to your keyword strategy) or outsourcing the content production. It is for this reason that we offer a content creator package. Pop us a message if you’d like to find out how we can help you with your SEO keyword strategy and content creation.
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