The great one-page website debate
Are you looking for a quick and cheap one-page website? In 2023? Are you sure? We often get asked if we can do a one-pager, and the answer is yes. But, is it the best solution for you? Is it really all you need? Let’s look at five reasons you might give in favour of a one-page website. In response, we share our honest opinion based on Google search trends and offer recommendations that will help your business succeed online.
I want a one-page website because…
1. It’s cheaper
Unfortunately, that’s not normally the case. Much of the work is in the setup and branding of a new website. Once the infrastructure is built, adding pages is a relatively quick and easy process. For this reason, there is not a huge price difference between a one-page website and a five-page website.
2. It’s quick
Again, one-page websites are built and designed in the same way as multi-page websites. One-page websites are often not much faster to build than three- or four-page websites. The content for your one-page website will still involve writing some information about your company, sourcing media (images and videos) and ensuring that everything works together.
3. It’s enough of an online presence for my business
A one-page website will ensure that someone with a direct link to your website, say from an email signature, will find your website. However, with only one page of content for Google to reference, your SEO ranking will suffer. With a poor SEO ranking, it is unlikely that your website will show on the first page of a SERP (search engine results page), so organic traffic is off the table. And should you decide to do Google Ads, you may get traffic while you’re spending, but as soon as the spending stops, so will the traffic. It’s so important to have a long-term investment plan in quality content to maintain an online presence over time.
4. I don’t have much to say
You might think that one short, condensed page is enough information about your business for potential clients. But customers always have a lot of questions. They need to know what you do, how you do it, what is special about you, why they should trust you and more. The more questions you answer for them, the more they will trust your business. Cramming all of that valuable information into a one-page website will quickly become a tremendously long, overwhelming page. Google suggests a more focussed approach with one page per topic. No doubt, your business has a lot of topics to talk about.
5. People don’t read – I just need them to call me
People don’t read. Whether you have one page or hundreds of pages – that fact remains. But people don’t call either. Many millennials and Gen Z customers prefer digital forms of communication; email, WhatsApp or even a bot. So rather create content for them to find what they are looking for without having to reach out.
One-page websites might seem like a quick, cheap and easy way to get your digital presence up and running. However, we have never seen it work over the long term for a business.
Still think a one-page website is the answer? Then we suggest looking at an option that will save you money on some of the initial setup costs, for example, Wix or Shopify.
If you want to grow your digital presence and start attracting traffic via SEO optimisation, we advise adding content-relevant pages and blog articles. We recommend a more robust website platform, such as WordPress, which is ready to handle a comprehensive site map. Get in touch with us to discuss website design and setup costs, as well as website care and content creator packages to ensure your website continues performing well.
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