August 2021 wallpaper for desktop and mobile
Download a FREE August 2021 wallpaper for your desktop or mobile device.
Things have changed. But one thing that hasn’t changed is our desire to bring you some funky wallpaper designs for your desktops and phones. The Flicker Leap creative team looks forward to designing a new wallpaper each month. We hope that they inspire you to do great things in 2021. Let us know if you’re a fan of our wallpaper designs and please do share the love with your friends.
What’s the story behind Flicker Leap’s August 2021 wallpaper design?
Time to fly
It hasn’t been the greatest year. We thought that 2021 might be an improvement from 2020. For some, perhaps it has been better, but most have experienced challenges on some level. In South Africa, things have literally been burnt to the ground. But it has been amazing to see how the citizens of the country have risen out of the ashes to begin rebuilding.
People rise out of the ashes because, at some point, they are invested with a belief in the possibility of triumph over seemingly impossible odds.
Robert Downey, Jnr
I think that is it. The odds are seriously stacked against us, yet that makes the triumph ahead even more satisfying. Sometimes referring to the process that a butterfly goes through is cliché, but the metamorphosis is nothing short of amazing. There is frustration, change and waiting. But on the other side of it all, there is a beautiful butterfly.
We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.
Maya Angelou
As we head towards spring – a time of new beginnings – let’s dust off the ashes and get our wings ready. It’s time to fly.
Download your desktop version of the August 2021 wallpaper.
How about one for your mobile phone?
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