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March 2018 Wallpaper

Download a FREE March wallpaper for your desktop or mobile device.

At Flicker Leap, our team enjoys styling up their desktops with a new wallpaper every month. Every team member gets a chance to come up with some creative ideas and then work with the exceptional design team to create their very own digital wallpaper. You can get to know the designers, marketers and developers of Flicker Leap by getting a glimpse into their personalities through the wallpapers they come up with. We thought you would enjoy our team’s creativity, so we are sharing the wallpapers with you.

The story behind Flicker Leap’s March Wallpaper design:

Over the past few years, I’ve gained an obsessive appreciation for sunsets. There’s something extravagant about a sunset. It only happens once a day, which makes it something to look forward to and wait for. It’s something to appreciate on a daily basis.

Scenery can add beauty to a sunset. It is hands down the perfect combination when it comes to relaxation. It’s the icing on the cake!

Sunsets are never the same. Each sunset has its own unique feel and look to them. Viewing a colour-soaked sky from a different angle or location has a completely distinct look to them, which provides everyone with a special experience.

Don’t let me get started on the colours, which can transform into vibrant displays of multiple amazing shades that complement each other. It’s a reminder of how beautiful the earth is and how appreciative I am to see such an incredible sight. – Calvin Govender

Download your version of the March desktop wallpaper here.
How about one for your mobile phone?

Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter. You don’t want to miss out on the amazing wallpaper designs to come!

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Comments (1)

  1. Gee, Cal, I had no idea you were such a sensitive soul! Rainbows and unicorns must be just up your street:))

    Jokes, aside, nice job. I particularly like the way you’ve tucked the frame behind the trees – that’s a touch that saves the whole gig.

    I’m looking forward to your next masterpiece – go on stretch that imagination.

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