Five tips to stay creative: set yourself apart
Creativity is what sets you or your brand apart from the other guy. It makes things stand out and it’s a fantastic way to garner attention. Now and again, we tend to hit a stumbling block when it comes to thinking of fresh and interesting ideas. Have a look at these tips to stay creative and get back on that track to greatness.
Five tips to stay creative
1. Understand the rules and then break them
From web development to advertising, regardless of whatever realm you may belong to, understand the rules. Become savvy to the do’s and don’ts, steer clear from the norm (when permissible), understand trends and rules and then break them. Ideas that go against the grain will make you stick out like a sore thumb… in a good way.
2. Always carry a pen and writing material
Creative epiphanies have a nasty habit of occurring at inopportune moments. You could be doing the dishes or even servicing your car when suddenly – BOOM! The worst thing that could happen is thinking of a brilliant idea and forgetting about it because you did not jot it down. Therefore, writing paper and a pen should always be accessible. This is certainly a necessity if you’re a writer. If you’re experiencing writer’s block, try these seven ways to break it.
3. Travel more
Ideally, if you can, travel to a foreign destination. There is nothing like being exposed to new cultures and people that can help replenish your creative flow. Just pop onto a travel site like Travelstart and get some ideas of where to go next. A new environment can rejuvenate the mind and also give you some fresh inspiration. If you can’t go overseas, at least get away from your familiar surroundings to clear your head and grab hold of some awesome ideas.
4. Change it up
Our daily grind can force us to slink into the clutches of daily routine. This can cause you to succumb to creative block. The mind can be rejuvenated by just breaking the shackles of routine. Think of ways that your objectives can be fulfilled by doing things a little differently. Doing things differently creates better conditions for new ideas to be spurned.
5. Do not force it
The creative process should be an organic occurrence. Do not try to force your creative thoughts. If you do, there is a great possibility that they may be closer to dud than emphasised lightbulb. Rather create better conditions for creativity to be activated. Look for things that inspire you – it could be a movie, music, poetry, nature – the list is endless.
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