Before emailing that database, is bulk email dead?
This is certainly a wonderful time for advertising, considering how technology has evolved. The introduction of various tools that assesses big data and give real-time analytics enables marketers to make more informed decisions. Sophisticated marketing tools and processes may prompt you to ask, “Is bulk email dead?”
To answer that question – bulk email is not dead! If you have a database that is relevant and you have permission to use it (between your company and the end user), email marketing can receive great results. It is for that very same reason, several prominent brands or companies make use of targeted bulk email.
Like many others, Apple has done a remarkable job of putting out incredible content via email marketing campaigns. A strong visual language coupled with a relevant call to action can work wonders for your marketing efforts.
However, the bulk email approach will give poor results if you have not mapped out the relevant content for your audience. When you address them, you want to sound more like a person and less mechanical. Where possible, personalise email content as it is more likely to resonate with subscribers and can improve sales conversion rates and click-through rates.
If you are still wondering if bulk email is dead, try it for yourself but utilise email marketing campaigns correctly. Create a tone and voice that is consistent and relevant to your audience to create a more personal connection with them.
Emails should be sent out from a good mailer tool (e.g. Hubspot) that enables you to send bulk email, personalise content to each receiver, provide performance analytics and manage databases – this is undoubtedly going to maximize results.
To conclude this piece on understanding if bulk email is dead, a strong email marketing campaign that follows best practices will undoubtedly give great results. This is only true if the database you’re sending opted-in to receiving your emails.
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